Thursday, February 7, 2013

GAP and project (RED)

For this Blog I will be answering the question asked at the end of the Document I read for Class. THis was the question posed.
 1.       Do you think a partnership with Product (RED) can improve Gap’s image? Is it a sign that they are making a commitment to corporate social responsibility or do you agree with critics who say their involvement is an attempt to spit-shine the company’s image while continuing to do business as usual?

This partnership between product (RED) and Gap does show some social responsibility on trying to support to find the cure for AIDS. I do have to agree with the critics though if Gap really cared about making a difference it would be better at treating its employees all over the world. For Gap to be taken seriously they need to take care of the issues they have. This is not to say that this attempt by them to help with this project isn't great but you can not expect that this one good act will clear out the fact of how bad you are treating your employees.