Saturday, May 4, 2013

esponse to Kevin Provosts Survey and Sampling

I agree more often than not we take theses surveys results presented to us for the cold hard truth. For instances if 4 out of 5 dentists recommend it normally people say I must have that product. Why though did the fifth not agree why wasn't this tested product full proof. Of course thats just an example but if your only gonna take the good news part of the story, you only have part of a story. Looking into what the results are gives a full story about a product not just the stuff companies want you to hear.

The Mountain Dew Commercial

So in the news is the newest advertisement for Mountain Dew where there is a goat who is addicted to mountain dew. The controversy  behind this commercial is when after the goat beats up a waitress for for not bringing more mountain dew.

 Now I could go into do you believe this is racist or not but this commercial is getting enough of that. I am wondering how Pepsi Co can come back from this, I know that their sales won't drop to much but a stain like that on a reputation of a company is hard to smooth out. What do you think Pepsi Co should do to come back from this advertisement. Is an apology enough after this marketing failure.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Comnent on drew farrar's car advertisement

I agree with drew I once work for a beer stocking company out of Concord and the advertisements would often lead to customers asking about products they may have never seen before. These advertisements work and can bring real results to businesses.

Customer service

So the other day while on the job I started thinking about customer service and marketing. I noticed the more I was helpful and cheerful the more customers were open to suggestion on other products to purchase or deals we have. There is this relationship between marketing and customer service. Successful marketing could help take a step out of customer service. By making products well advertised it takes out the step of having to explain products. Do you agree.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Response to Sell or Not Sell

I believe this is a breach of  this would be a breach of the confidentiality of the pol takers and could ensue greater legal ramifications. As well as break the trust that anyone might have in Johns Company. By the end of the day John could loss his business either way but not giving out the names still keeps him as a trustworthy individual.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Response to Drew's Ship mp Pants

I found this commercial hilarious and it really caught my eye. I find that the world of commercializing has become really serious with humor making small appearances. The issue becomes that you can't please everyone, so what if K-mart comes out with a Funny commercial with humor we don't normally see, it pleases some but not all and more than likely they'll come out with a more serious commercial. Both of theses will please different people in the market.

Cigarette Flavor Names

So about two years ago cigarette companies where made to change the flavor names of their cigarettes from light and ultra light for example to color names such as gold and silver. This was done because the light and ultra light names made some individuals think that the cigarettes were better for you. My question to you is what do you think of this change. Do you feel the old names made the cigarettes sound "healthier".

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Response to Justins post Branding

I do think that people buying generic makes the company with brand names look for cheaper ways to produce their products. This may lead to outsourcing but is not the only reason for outsourcing. Brands help a product get regognized and helps when the economy comes out of a recession.


I was on Facebook the other day and saw this advertisement that was for a website called For the advertisement  it said Click now to Shop LOFT. Tome this sounded a little like shop lift, now I know this is not what it means but this play with words resembles a lot. Do you think this was done on purpose to bring attention to the site or do you think it doesn't mean anything. How often do you see this in advertising.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Response to Heather Young's post on convince items

I work at a convience store and know specifically why we put certain items up front but I always seemed to be sucked in to buying and item that is in eyesite while I stand in line. It is my biggest weakness when shopping and in terms of trying to sell a product it is very effective.

Marketing on Facebook

So most of the people in the world now have a Facebook page, and businesses also have their on Facebook pages. What really gets me are the advertisements that pop up on the side, I personally have not seen an advertisement that really interest's me. The advertisements themselves are supposed to be based off of what we look up and suggestion of what are friends like. My question is do you think this is an effective form of marketing.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Response to Jocelyn

I Think Robots in the classroom are a great idea for those kids and even adults who have diseases or allergies that keep them home bound. This at least gives these individuals some interaction with the outside and ability to communicate with others. I fear that this would become a crutch for some when it was not completely needed so I would also advice exacuting caution with such machines.
So For this weeks post I thought about a companies approach to trying to get a product out on the market and how one might have to overcome leaps and bounds. For instance, not saying I support or endorse them, Cigarette Companies now have a harder time at least in the American Market to advertise their products. With America going healthy and the proof showing how bad smoking is, it isn't getting much good publicity in fact instead of commercials endorsing smoking there are commercials that openly put down smoking. Now this is just one example and maybe not a good one but can anyone think of ways some products and services might find resistance here in the United States.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Response to Drews question

As a consumer i feel a sense of safety knowing that their are regulations in place, I have this safe feeling that what I'm buying isn't going to be a rip off (for the most part) or that the products I buy are not going to be detrimental to me. Yes is there always somebody selling a dysfunctional product yes but thats when we as consumers ask questions, because even with regulations you need to know the product your about to buy and see what ratings are out on it.

Do you believe self regulation is more or less effective than governmental regulatory agencies?

To answered asked question about whether self regulation is more or less effective I would have to say more at individual levels we have a better understanding of what needs to be regulated in our markets. We as the individuals have a scope on what needs to be regulated and what doesn't  On the same hand this may lead to some regulations that are unfair to customers, the government regulations are their to protect the consumers of your business  For me though having your own say in how your business is regulated is important but you loss out on the trust with the self regulation.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

GAP and project (RED)

For this Blog I will be answering the question asked at the end of the Document I read for Class. THis was the question posed.
 1.       Do you think a partnership with Product (RED) can improve Gap’s image? Is it a sign that they are making a commitment to corporate social responsibility or do you agree with critics who say their involvement is an attempt to spit-shine the company’s image while continuing to do business as usual?

This partnership between product (RED) and Gap does show some social responsibility on trying to support to find the cure for AIDS. I do have to agree with the critics though if Gap really cared about making a difference it would be better at treating its employees all over the world. For Gap to be taken seriously they need to take care of the issues they have. This is not to say that this attempt by them to help with this project isn't great but you can not expect that this one good act will clear out the fact of how bad you are treating your employees.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Response to Drew Farrar Post

In Drew's post He makes it very clear what the differences between customer Value and Customer Satisfaction. I can completely Agree with his thought on this topic being that when I purchase any product the first thing that runs through my mind is this product worth it and am I sure I want to switch from I have been using. If I bring it home and I'm happy with it, that is the Customer Satisfaction. In this way they are related One is tied to another is some sense.

Can there be to many Choices

In Response to this question posed,

  " Can the marketing concept reach a point of diminishing returns?  That is, is there a point at which marketers can offer too much choice to too many consumers (try to satisfy too many needs/wants), or is the proliferation of product choices indicative of successful implementation of the marketing concept?" 

I would say both yes and No it is imperative for a company to take into consider the needs of Different people, and there are all kinds of individuals out there looking for the product they want. On the other hand though if you individualize everything it gets more and more expensive to produce these custom orders and profit drops for the company. In a perfect world it would be nice if all companies took into consideration our needs and made products completely based on these needs.